SEO Services in India

What is SEO ?

SEO is a marketing discipline focused on growing visibility in organic (non-paid) search engine results. SEO encompasses both the technical and creative elements required to improve rankings, drive traffic, and increase awareness in search engines.

There are many aspects to SEO, from the words on your page to the way other sites link to you on the web. Sometimes SEO is simply a matter of making sure your site is structured in a way that search engines understand.

SEO isn't just about building search engine-friendly websites. It's about making your site better for people too. 

Types of SEO 

White Hat SEO
White hat SEO utilizes techniques and methods to improve the search engine rankings of a website which don't run afoul of search engine (mainly Google) guidelines.

Black Hat SEO
Black Hat SEO exploits weaknesses in the search engine algorithms to obtain high rankings for a website. Such techniques and methods are in direct conflict with search engine guidelines.

What is On-Page SEO?

On-page SEO (also known as "on-site" SEO) is the act of optimizing different parts of your web site that affect your search engine rankings. It's stuff that you have control over and can change on your own website. Here are the the biggest factors included.
Put your targeted keywords in the title tag of each page on your site. There are many best practices that go into writing an effective title tag.
Headings are usually the largest words on the page, and for that reason, search engines give them a little more weight than your other page copy. It is a good idea to work your target keywords into the headings of each web page, but make sure you accurately reflect your page content.
Put keywords into your URLs if possible. However, do not go changing all of your current URLs just so they have keywords in them. You shouldn't change old URLs unless you plan on redirecting your old ones to your new ones. Consult a professional before doing this.
Any content management system should allow you to add something called "alt text" to all images on your website. This text isn't visible to the average visitor - alt text is in fact used by screen reader software to help blind internet users understand the content of your images. Search engines crawl images in a similar way, so inserting some relevant keywords while accurately describing the image will help search engines understand your page's content.
Google wants to help its users find what they're looking for as quickly as possible to provide the best user experience. Therefore, optimizing your pages to load faster helps your site rank higher in the search results.
The content on your pages needs to useful to people. If they search for something to specific to find your page, they need to be able to find what they're looking for. It needs to be easy to read and provide value to the end user. Google has various ways to measure if your content is useful.
Linking internally to other pages on your website is useful to visitors and it is also useful to search engines. Here's an internal link to another blog post on our site that talks more about internal linking. Very meta.

On-page SEO ensures that your site can be read by both potential customers and search engine robots. With good on-page SEO, search engines can easily index your web pages, understand what your site is about, and easily navigate the structure and content of your website, thus ranking your site accordingly.

What is Off-Page SEO?

Off-page SEO focuses on increasing the authority of your domain through the act of getting links from other websites. A good analogy for how authority works is this. If you have a bathtub with rubber duckies in it (the ducks are your pages), and you start filling the tub with water (links), your duckies are all going to rise to the top. This is how a site like Wikipedia ranks for pretty much everything under the sun. It has so much water in its bathtub that if you throw another rubber duck in it, it's going to float to the top without any other effort. There's a score called "Domain Authority" that calculates how authoritative your website is compared to other sites. You can type your domain name into here to see your score.

The biggest off-page SEO factor is the number and quality of back links to your website. Some examples of ways you can build links to your website are:
  • Creating awesome content that people want to link to because it is valuable. 
  • Social media shares of your content that ultimately generate links. 
  • Outreach e-mails to influences in your industry that ultimately link to you. 
  • Guest blogging on sites related to yours. These guest posts will have links back to your site. 

SEO Services in India

There are a variety of search engine optimization services which offer solutions for a ranking issues, and deficiencies. Depending on your goals, and needs one, or a combination, of the below services may be right for your website.

Get best SEO Services in India at:  

Why SEO Required ?

The majority of web traffic is driven by the major commercial search engines, Google, Bing, and Yahoo!.

Although social media and other types of traffic can generate visits to your website, search engines are the primary method of navigation for most Internet users. This is true whether your site provides content, services, products, information, or just about anything else.

Search engines are unique in that they provide targeted traffic—people looking for what you offer. Search engines are the roadways that make this happen. If search engines cannot find your site, or add your content to their databases, you miss out on incredible opportunities to drive traffic to your site.

Search queries—the words that users type into the search box—carry extraordinary value. Experience has shown that search engine traffic can make (or break) an organization's success. Targeted traffic to a website can provide publicity, revenue, and exposure like no other channel of marketing. Investing in SEO can have an exceptional rate of return compared to other types of marketing and promotion.

For Whom Is SEO Suitable?

Search engine optimization is often seen as a good way to avoid spending money on advertising by attaining high rankings in the organic search engine results. Not only is this not the true purpose of search engine optimization, it can, in fact, be a dangerous way to conduct business.

Search engine optimization should never be the sole means of marketing any business, because search engine algorithms are in constant flux, and any one of (on average) daily changes can impact a website's ranking negatively, to a point where the entire business can be put in jeopardy. So organic rankings should never be the sole source of traffic for any website that is being run as a business. With that said, search engine optimization can contribute greatly to almost any online marketing campaign.
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